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Download Deep Freeze Standard

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 29 April 2014 | 16:52

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Download Deep Freeze Standard
Deep Freeze
As a computer user , we often deal with various threats from a wide range of viruses , malware and all kinds of disturbances in the system PC . Or maybe your PC / Laptop are often used by children / siblings or relatives who usually do not understand very well how to use it .
A slight error somewhere viruses , malware or perhaps human error can cause the system PC / Laptop problem may not even be able to operate as usual . It will definitely troublesome and time-consuming you . If Hali is often happening to your PC , one PC tricks for dealing with this problem is like using Deep Freeze .
Deep Freeze from Faronics is software , this software is used to freeze or can be said to make the system on your hard disk drive remains as it was when you freeze .

This software is used to keep the system on PC / your computer from viruses , malware , or human error , because any changes to the data on the drive that has been in Deep Frezee will be back to normal . Deep Freeze is usually enabled on the drives contained within its OS . Make sure your hard drive partitioning .
" Deep Freeze reducing IT support tickets by 63 % " , so that the software is often used in cafes and offices .
Excess / usefulness of Deep Freeze :
 Keeping the system on the hard drive remains as the original condition as when in the Deep Freeze every time you restart .
 Reduce the possibility of a virus , malware to human error . If your PC is infected virus / malware when Deep Freeze is being enabled , restart your PC and all will be right again .
 Reduce time and costs for maintenance . Make sure any programs you want to install before Deep Freeze is activated .
Weaknesses Deep Freeze :
 Drive on the hard drive or on frozen Deep Freeze will always go back to normal when in the Deep Freeze , it makes all changes to data such as installed programs , uninstall programs , the addition of data , deletion of data is not going to happen after PC reboot / restart . This applies also to the data outlook ( as usual outlook default the data on drive C / OS system ) and all existing databases on drive C.
Needing extra time to install / uninstall programs , anti-virus updates , printers and any additional drives in addition to the Deep Freeze . Because should disable Deep Freeze first, then add the desired data , and restart ( 2x reboot the PC ) .
If already there is a virus / malware or other threats before Deep Frezee system is enabled , you must remove the virus / malware when Deep Freeze is not enabled, if not , the virus / malware it will continue to appear each time you restart .
note :
1. Make sure your PC is already partitioned ( at least 2 ) .
2. Also make sure that the data and programs installed correctly and there are no viruses / malware in it .
3. Install Deep Freeze and freeze the system partition on your OS .
4. To unlock Deep Freeze , press CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + F6 simultaneously or press SHIFT and double- click the Deep Freeze icon in the Taskbar at the bottom right .
5. Select to enable Deep Freeze Frozen and Thawed choose to disable after that restart the computer .
6. At the option ' Thawed on next ( x ) restart ' can be set to the number of times after the restart activated the Deep Freeze back )




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